Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thanks for coming to the International Fair!

April 8th, 2009

On April 6th, 2009, the International Club had their yearly event known as the International Club Fair for the past ten years. In this fair, students embrace their heritages, and in some cases, their home countries, by bringing in foods native to the country they’re representing, but also bringing other things that represent their heritages.
This year we had a group of Chinese students who had come to the United States to study abroad. When I asked Jeremy Chen how he liked being at the International Fair and being in the United States, he responded with a smile, “Very much! I like it!” The Chinese students who are studying at BUS worked very hard to make the food that they brought to the fair, and that he enjoys American Culture, especially the Lincoln Museum, Jeremy also added.
The Chinese students also had a couple tables set up where they charged one dollar to have English names written in Chinese, as well as a bake sale that went towards the International Club.
Other Chinese students, Shi Lei Chen and Fiona Xia, said they had fun writing names in Chinese as well, and that they had a good turn out as far as people who wanted their names translated to Chinese.
“Most names have been easy to write,” Shi Lei said. “But sometimes names are hard to translate to Chinese – like your’s,” she added about my name, jokingly.
According to Lynette Shaw-Smith, the faculty advisor of the International Club, noted the 75 – 100 people that showed up as a great turn out. She stated that the International Club had been planning the fair for about a month with fundraisers.
If you want to join International Club, Lynette Shaw-Smith is available for contact. They’re always looking for new members!

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